Minha amiga fofa e leitora Marcinha (thanx flor) me enviou esse video e achei muito engracado..
Eh um Pathan se matando pra se equilibrar na esteira eletrica e a mae se rachando de rir...
Very Funny
sexta-feira, 30 de abril de 2010
quarta-feira, 28 de abril de 2010
Sistema de castas no Paquistao
Olha soh gente...
Eu fiquei sabendo ha bem pouco tempo que aqui na Pakiland tambem tem o soo called sistema de castas...Claro que nao eh tao serio como na India, mesmo porque isso eh absolutamente proibido no Islam e o Paquistao eh um pais 99% Islamico, mas infelizmente a India deixou muitas coisas arraigadas de sua cultura no subconsciente coletivo do povo paquistanes....
Eu sinceramente nao entendo patavinas desse negocio e acho tudo isso uma enorme estupidez...
Mas como sempre nossa consultora de assuntos aleatorios hehehe, esta nos dando uma pequena explicacao de como funciona esse sistema por aqui...
Asalam-o-Alikum and Hi to All Readers!
I hope that you people are doing great.
The topic of my today’s discussion is very interesting and important. Today I again discuss a “thing” which is against to Islam. Here I must quote one small incident with you people.It must help you to understand that what I am going to say.
Once a foreigner visited a Pakistan. On his departure his Pakistani friend asks how did you find Pakistani people. He replied: who’s Pakistani? I did not find even a single Pakistani here. Some are Punjabi, some are sindhi some are pathan and so on, then where are Pakistanis…???…It is silent message for all Pakistanis.
Unfortunately, here people categorized in many castes and want to recognize by their castes or by area where they live. They prefer to recognize on this characteristic rather to recognize by Pakistani. Whereas, Islam teaches us that nobody is black, white, rich and poor all are Muslims, and now we can add that we all are Muslim + Pakistani.
Islam strictly denies and dislikes the differences of castes and also differences of people on the basis of their color, their status and so on. But unfortunately, in Pakistan people are differentiated on the basis of rich and poor, literate and illiterate, black and white and on the basis of materialistic things. Even people having high status could not marry their kids in lower status families. There are separate universities for rich and poor.Infact in this era poor can not afford to be literate. It is said that now all facilities are for rich, poor had no right even to live, enjoying facilities are second thing. This practice is against to Islam.
But now if we compare our system with India’s system then you will find our system better than it. Hindus or Indians are basically divided into four broad categories.
1. Barahman
2. Waish
3. Khashtari
4. Shodar
Barahman’s are most rich and respectable caste of hindus. They are considered respectable in country, all good jobs are holding by them and they can enjoy all facilities of life.
Waish are lower than Barahmans. They are also considers repectable but not more than Barahmans. These are mostly work under Barahmans.
Kashtari’s are neither respectable nor be disrespected. But can not get good jobs because its not their right to get good jobs, or to read in good institutions as well.
Shodars are lower category of hindus. These are considers hate able and they punished on even a little things. They are not allowed to live in good homes or eat good food or to read in good institutions. They are mostly servant of Barahmans and Waish. Barahmans do not like them and do not allow them to stay at their home. They are considers sign of bad luck and all other bad things.
Although they are also divided into many castes with respect to their areas like Gujrati, Sikh, Bangali and so on. But these castes rely on these four basic categories. Now you can easily compare Paki and Indian system or castes.
In Pakistan, there are both rich and poor in same castes but are differentiated on the basis of their money or status. Islam strictly dislikes this system. But unfortunately we are not obeying Islam. We made our system against Islam and now we are slave of our system. We do not want to get rid of this spoiled system.
I pray that Allah give us right path and give us strength to adapt right things and guide us to make right system which gives equal rights to all Human Beings.
Take Care and Allah Hafiz!
segunda-feira, 26 de abril de 2010
SMS "DIGRATIS" pro Pakistan...
A pedidos...
Aqui vai o link pra voce ameegue que ama um Paquistanes lol poder mandar SMSs na FAIXA pro seu amado querido idolatrado...Ele tambem nao paga nada pra receber... e esse site funciona sempre, nao eh tudah???
Basta deixar de preguicinha e fazer um cadastrinho rapido (sign up now)...Uma vez feito o cadastro, toda vez que precisares, eh soh colocar seu login e senha...theek???
Aqui o link pra quem jah tem o cadastro ir direto para a pagina do login
Coloquei tambem o site como link permanente no blog (informacoes Uteis, na lateral direita), assim fica mais facil pra todas neahn???
E se quiserem, mandem SMSs para essa que vos escreve tambem, porque eu adoro receber hihih...Passo o fone por email pra quem quiser, basta solicitar =)))
Depois me falem se deu certo ok???
Aqui vai o link pra voce ameegue que ama um Paquistanes lol poder mandar SMSs na FAIXA pro seu amado querido idolatrado...Ele tambem nao paga nada pra receber... e esse site funciona sempre, nao eh tudah???
Basta deixar de preguicinha e fazer um cadastrinho rapido (sign up now)...Uma vez feito o cadastro, toda vez que precisares, eh soh colocar seu login e senha...theek???
Aqui o link pra quem jah tem o cadastro ir direto para a pagina do login
Coloquei tambem o site como link permanente no blog (informacoes Uteis, na lateral direita), assim fica mais facil pra todas neahn???
E se quiserem, mandem SMSs para essa que vos escreve tambem, porque eu adoro receber hihih...Passo o fone por email pra quem quiser, basta solicitar =)))
Depois me falem se deu certo ok???
sexta-feira, 23 de abril de 2010
Aqui na Pakiland o povo eh psicotico com esse negocio de SMS...Porque como eu falei, eh praticamente de graca neahn...
Eu tambem to viciada nesse negocio...
Mando mensaginhas pra todos os meus contatos aqui o dia todo e o povo tambem manda pra mim...
Ai que ontem eu recebi uma assim (me rachei de tanto rir):
"The world`s smallest resignation letter (A Menor carta de demissao do mundo):
Dear Sir,
Fuck you.
Thank you."
Hahahaha...Nao eh tudo???
Sempre sonhei em mandar uma dessas pros meus chefes lol...
Eu tambem to viciada nesse negocio...
Mando mensaginhas pra todos os meus contatos aqui o dia todo e o povo tambem manda pra mim...
Ai que ontem eu recebi uma assim (me rachei de tanto rir):
"The world`s smallest resignation letter (A Menor carta de demissao do mundo):
Dear Sir,
Fuck you.
Thank you."
Hahahaha...Nao eh tudo???
Sempre sonhei em mandar uma dessas pros meus chefes lol...
quinta-feira, 22 de abril de 2010
Um ano de PakMixBrazil :)
Eu acho meio piegas esse neogcio de comemorar aniversario de blog e bla bla bla...
MAS, soh pra nao passar em brancas nuvens, HOJE, 22/04/2010, o PakMixBrazil ta completando um aninho hahaha...Um baby!!!
A matematica eh bem simples:
Se ele (o blog) durou ate agora, eh porque teve feedback dos leitores, caso contrario jah tinha acabado, porque afinal ninguem gosta de escrever sabendo que ninguem vai ler neahn? =)
Entao amigas (os) queridas (os) fofaas (os), thank you very much por sua participacao, comentarios, elogios, apoio nas horas dificeis, sugestoes e criticas...Estou sempre aprendendo e me surpreendendo com voces e sem voces nao sou ninguem... :)
Voces podem ateh nao saber, mas mesmo taaaaao distante, vcs me fazem companhia sabiam?
Assim sendo, espero estar acrescentando alguma coisa que seja de util pra voces tambem, nem que seja apenas um despretensioso entretenimento :)
Muito Obrigada e parabens pra NOS neh ;)
Let`s celebrate!!
Mishal Zohaib
Eu acho meio piegas esse neogcio de comemorar aniversario de blog e bla bla bla...
MAS, soh pra nao passar em brancas nuvens, HOJE, 22/04/2010, o PakMixBrazil ta completando um aninho hahaha...Um baby!!!
A matematica eh bem simples:
Se ele (o blog) durou ate agora, eh porque teve feedback dos leitores, caso contrario jah tinha acabado, porque afinal ninguem gosta de escrever sabendo que ninguem vai ler neahn? =)
Entao amigas (os) queridas (os) fofaas (os), thank you very much por sua participacao, comentarios, elogios, apoio nas horas dificeis, sugestoes e criticas...Estou sempre aprendendo e me surpreendendo com voces e sem voces nao sou ninguem... :)
Voces podem ateh nao saber, mas mesmo taaaaao distante, vcs me fazem companhia sabiam?
Assim sendo, espero estar acrescentando alguma coisa que seja de util pra voces tambem, nem que seja apenas um despretensioso entretenimento :)
Muito Obrigada e parabens pra NOS neh ;)
Let`s celebrate!!
Mishal Zohaib
quarta-feira, 21 de abril de 2010
Um dia feliz... :)
Responda rapido:
O que poderia fazer mais feliz um ser humano que esta sob o enlouquecedor efeito de um calor infernal, um calor que cozinha os miolos e afeta seriamente suas faculdades mentais e faz o caboclo pensar em dar cabo da propria vida (sooo drama hihih)???
Resposta obvia:
google images
Com excecao dos bracos do meu amor e o carinho da minha mae, nao ha nada que me deixa com um sentimento de aconchego e paz maior do que chuva...Nao aquela chuva que destroi, que inunda, que mata, mas aquela chuva que cai com vontade, que faz aquele barulhinho delicioso, que nos faz querer correr pra debaixo do cobertor e dormirrrr Zzzzzz...Aquela chuva que se mistura com a terra e exala aquele cheiro maravilhoso de infancia,que nos remete aos idos tempos quando parecia que o mundo era um lugar melhor pra se viver...
Tem gente que prefere os dias ensolarados...Eu prefiro os nublados! Isso mexe com meus brios, me faz raciocinar melhor...eu AMO muito!!! Alias, tenho ate um inicio de depressao, um sentimento de vazio quando a chuva para, sabe como??? Eh eu sei, coisa de gente doida hihihi...
E aqui na Pakiland, chuva eh mais que uma bencao, eh artigo de LUXO!....Porque alem do calor dos infernos, a poeira eh absurda..Nada para limpo..NADA..Eh desesperador!
Ontem eu estava pedindo, implorando a Deus que chovesse e ELE ouviu minhas preces...:)))
...E hoje choveu em Lahore depois de muitooooos dias (meses eu diria) sem nem uma misera goticula oriunda dos ceus...Nao foi muito, mas deu pra aliviar um pouco a situacao e espero que chova MUITO nos proximos dias...
Se talento eu tivesse, escreveria uma ODE a chuva (craseado lol) , mas como desprovida de habilidades poeticas e literarias sou, vou apenas deixar aqui registrado meu
Theres Nothing better than I rainy day to make me happy :)))
terça-feira, 20 de abril de 2010
Presentinho by Sehrish
A nossa amiga Sehrish alem de ser muito prestativa, eh uma menina muito sensivel e romantica que adora tambem escrever poemas...:)
Entao ela me pediu que publicasse esses dois poeminhas que ela fez especialmente para o blog e para que vcs meninas romanticas do meu Brasil varonil lol, possam enviar aos seus respectivos amores... ;)
Nao eh uma phopha???
Entao ela me pediu que publicasse esses dois poeminhas que ela fez especialmente para o blog e para que vcs meninas romanticas do meu Brasil varonil lol, possam enviar aos seus respectivos amores... ;)
Nao eh uma phopha???
Oh Beautiful..
I don’t need your kiss
I don’t need your touch
I don’t even need your love
Just give your smile once in a while
I can remember how beautiful the world is…
I don’t need your hand in my hand
I don’t need your dream
I don’t need your life
Just give your smile once in a while
I can remember how beautiful the world is…
I don’t need a candle light dinner from you
I don’t need a dance with you
I don’t need you to be in my arms
Oh Beautiful…
Just give your smile once in a while
I can remember how beautiful the world is…
I don’t need your squeeze
I don’t need your feel
I even do not need you to be mine
Just give your smile once in a while
I can remember how beautiful the world is…
Oh Beautiful…
Just give me your smile once in my Life…
So I can feel how complete my life is…
I can promise
I can not promise to solve all your problems
But I can promise that I will never let u face them alone
I can not stop tears from your eyes
But I promise that I will not be the reason of them
I can not promise to hold your hands forever
But I will never let them escaped from my hands
I can not promise to be with you
But I can promise that I am here with you forever
I can not promise to never come in front of you
But I am sure that I will be in your sight forever
I can not promise to walk with you
But I can promise to take step with you forever
I can not promise to give you ease forever
But I can promise that I will never let u tease
I can not promise to give you hug
But I can promise that you will be in my arms forever
I can not promise to touch you
But I can promise that will be in my feel forever.
I can not promise to think about you always
But I can promise that I will never let you forget
By :Sehrish Afzaal :)
Comercial Paquistanes lindo!
Aqui no Pakistan as Cias de celular se digladiam pra ver quem abocanha mais e mais clientes e no final das contas quem sempre sai ganhando eh o cliente, jah que eles lancam pacotes inacreditavelmente baratos hehe...Eu mesmo compro a cada quinze dias um pacote de 1000 SMS por 30 rupias (nao da nem um real)..Aloooow empresas brasileiras de telefonia celular, que tal adotar a ideia heeein???
Entao...Vc liga a TV e 90% dos comerciais (os melhores inclusive) sao de alguma empresa de celular...
As principais sao: Ufone, Mobilink, ZONG, Warid, Telenor...
E a ZONG, acabou de lancar um comercial LINDO e super tocante...A musica eh linda, a estorinha eh linda, os atores sao lindos (especialmente a irma do protagonista, eh LINDAAAA...)..enfim, tudo muito lindo..vale muito a pena conferir!!!
Comercial de TV aqui deve ser mtooo barato porque eles fazem AD que sao verdadeiros "filminhos" e passa toda hora e em todos os canais...Eu sei que no Brasil 30 segundos de comercial em grandes emissoras eh uma FABULA de tao caro...Entao imagino pro que pro povo deitar e rolar aqui desse jeito eh porque deve ser infinitamente mais em conta...
Entao...Vc liga a TV e 90% dos comerciais (os melhores inclusive) sao de alguma empresa de celular...
As principais sao: Ufone, Mobilink, ZONG, Warid, Telenor...
E a ZONG, acabou de lancar um comercial LINDO e super tocante...A musica eh linda, a estorinha eh linda, os atores sao lindos (especialmente a irma do protagonista, eh LINDAAAA...)..enfim, tudo muito lindo..vale muito a pena conferir!!!
Comercial de TV aqui deve ser mtooo barato porque eles fazem AD que sao verdadeiros "filminhos" e passa toda hora e em todos os canais...Eu sei que no Brasil 30 segundos de comercial em grandes emissoras eh uma FABULA de tao caro...Entao imagino pro que pro povo deitar e rolar aqui desse jeito eh porque deve ser infinitamente mais em conta...
Comercial Indiano super criativo..amei!
Aqui no Paquistao pega um sem numero de canais indianos...E eu me divirto com os comerciais de TV deles, que no geral sao MUITO ENGRACADOS e principalmente criativos...=)
Agora estah no ar esse do molho Del Monte(sauce) que eu rolei de rir...
Agora estah no ar esse do molho Del Monte(sauce) que eu rolei de rir...
sábado, 17 de abril de 2010
O casamento no Paquistao - Islam x Tradicoes
Mais um artigo super interessante e esclarecedor que acredito que todas que se relacionam com um paquistanes estao super curiosas para entender: O sooo called casamento paquistanes...=)
Eu particularmente amei, porque eu mesma queria ter explicado isso a voces, mas ate hoje eu nao consegui entender direito toda essa funcao hihihih...
No meu casamento eu soh tive engagement, Mehandi, Nikkah e Waleema, mas na epoca era tudo tao novo para mim, entao eu nem sabia o que era o que...lol
Outra coisa que sempre me perguntam eh se eu tive que "pagar" dote etc...Nao, eu nao tive que pagar dote nenhum (o que eh muito comum por aqui, a familia da noiva arcar com um monte de despesas que inclui entre muitas outras coisas, JOIAS ateh para as cunhadas afffffff...), muito pelo contrario, ganhei tudo (joias, roupas, dinheiro, etc etc etc)..Mas como meu caso eh um em um milhao, entao nao sei se com todas as estrangeiras vai ser do mesmo jeito, porque cada familia reage de forma distinta...But, lets pray for the best neh hehehe...
By the way, se alguem quiser conferir as pics do meu casorio ( que foi simples por sinal se comparado com os verdadeiros espetaculos que tem por aqui), meu marido phopho criou um site/album virtual na epoca do casamento...Aqui esta o link...Tem variassss fotos ...=)))
Here we go...Enjoy!!!
Marriage in Pakistan - Islam X Traditions




Today I am going to discuss on right way of marriage which Islam depicts and also the way which we follow. Islam is a religion of simplicity, ease and comfort.
Islam does not order anyone to give other’s pain. The basic key of marriage in Islam in “NIKAH”. It means the paper evidence of marriage and two eye witnesses from girl’s side and two from boy’s side.
An Islamic scholar allows performing a NIKAH of two persons by reciting few specific versus from Quran (our Holy book) and then pray for happy and prosper life of both. Signature of girl, boy and all four witnesses on NIKAH papers and marriage is done. After this a man has complete right on girl and she becomes his wife. Then Islam allows a little party of marriage that you have to cook some food and divide is to poor or your relatives. Islam also like the exchange of gifts.
Here I would like to discuss very important issues. Islam dislikes giving “JAHEEZ”. It means when parents of girl give many things to his daughter when she is going to be married like kitchen, bedroom, drawing and dining room accessories, cloths, appliances, gold jewelry and so on. These all are prohibited in Islam and Islam deny this all. Even our Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) gave only few things to his daughter including bowl and glass and one mating (small carpet). So there is basic two necessary things related to marriage in Islam and these are Nikah and Waleema (Party for relatives).
Now if we compare our traditional ways of marriages with Islamic way then it is totally against. We have a lot of traditions and culture with respect to our areas. These all traditions are wastage of money. Unfortunately, we adapt many traditions from Hindus.
Now let me explain you all traditions one by one:
First wrong tradition in our culture is “ENGAGEMENT”...There is no reality of engagement in Islam. Islam just believes on Muslim’s tongue. Once you have said you have to consist on it. Islam only likes “COMMITMNET” (VERBAL).
Then other things are now 1 week functions of marriage. It is said to be that it’s our tradition whereas Islam does not like this all.
First day is called “MAYON”...It’s a day when relatives and friends of bride and groom come together to their homes and apply some ubtan (turmeric) on his/her face and oil on his/her hairs and eat some sweets as well. After this they sing many songs do dance and so on. This function is totally a women function. So they enjoyed among themselves males are not allowed to come. Girls are usually likes to wear yellow cloths.
Next is “MEHENDI”... In this function relatives of bride and groom come together and apply mehnadi on his/her hand. Now-a-days this function is done combine means bride and groom sits together and relatives apply mehandi on their hands. This function is similar to mayon. Girls usually likes to wear yellow and green traditional dresses and boys like to wear shalwar qameez(tradional dress).
Next comes “BARAT”... It means when groom goes to bride’s house with his parents and relatives to take her with him forever.. Usually Nikah is done on same day. After Nikah few sweets and dates are distributed among all guests. Usually bride wore Red or maroon dress and gold jewelry on her wedding day. Its is also our tradition.
Then there are many more traditions related to wedding.
And then last comes is “WALEEMA” It’s a sophisticated invitations for all relatives and friends to come and join them on dinner and lunch. “WALEEMA” is necessary element of wedding in Islam. Purpose of waleema is gathering of relatives and friends to come and see new couple and give gifts to them and most important is to arrange dinner or lunch for all guests and specially poor.
These are enjoyable moments but are wastage of money and time too.
Here I would like to share a good thing which is done on marriages is “QURAN KHAWNI” It means all relatives and friends of bride and groom come together recite a lot of Quran and pray for their good and prosper life ahead.
Here I skip many things (tradition) because time will finish, space of blog will finish but our tradition will never finish so I share main points with you.
I will try to upload pictures related to all these functions if you people want.
Keep smiling and take care!
P`S: Sehrish meri Jani, you can write as much as you want.. I'm sure that our readers would love to know more details about this marriage thing in Pakistan...So, If you can, plz write also about Dower, arranged marriage, love marriage between pakistanis, love marriage between paki boys and foreigners girls, marriage between cousins, and everything related to Marriage in Pakistan...=)))
Mishal Zohaib
Eu particularmente amei, porque eu mesma queria ter explicado isso a voces, mas ate hoje eu nao consegui entender direito toda essa funcao hihihih...
No meu casamento eu soh tive engagement, Mehandi, Nikkah e Waleema, mas na epoca era tudo tao novo para mim, entao eu nem sabia o que era o que...lol
Outra coisa que sempre me perguntam eh se eu tive que "pagar" dote etc...Nao, eu nao tive que pagar dote nenhum (o que eh muito comum por aqui, a familia da noiva arcar com um monte de despesas que inclui entre muitas outras coisas, JOIAS ateh para as cunhadas afffffff...), muito pelo contrario, ganhei tudo (joias, roupas, dinheiro, etc etc etc)..Mas como meu caso eh um em um milhao, entao nao sei se com todas as estrangeiras vai ser do mesmo jeito, porque cada familia reage de forma distinta...But, lets pray for the best neh hehehe...
By the way, se alguem quiser conferir as pics do meu casorio ( que foi simples por sinal se comparado com os verdadeiros espetaculos que tem por aqui), meu marido phopho criou um site/album virtual na epoca do casamento...Aqui esta o link...Tem variassss fotos ...=)))
Here we go...Enjoy!!!
Marriage in Pakistan - Islam X Traditions
Nikkah Nama - Medoooo
Nikkah...Nao tenho muitas pics desse dia, mas eu estava vestida assim...




Honey moon in Murree lol
Asalam-o-Alikum & hi to all readers!
I hope that you people are doing well.Today I am going to discuss on right way of marriage which Islam depicts and also the way which we follow. Islam is a religion of simplicity, ease and comfort.
Islam does not order anyone to give other’s pain. The basic key of marriage in Islam in “NIKAH”. It means the paper evidence of marriage and two eye witnesses from girl’s side and two from boy’s side.
An Islamic scholar allows performing a NIKAH of two persons by reciting few specific versus from Quran (our Holy book) and then pray for happy and prosper life of both. Signature of girl, boy and all four witnesses on NIKAH papers and marriage is done. After this a man has complete right on girl and she becomes his wife. Then Islam allows a little party of marriage that you have to cook some food and divide is to poor or your relatives. Islam also like the exchange of gifts.
Here I would like to discuss very important issues. Islam dislikes giving “JAHEEZ”. It means when parents of girl give many things to his daughter when she is going to be married like kitchen, bedroom, drawing and dining room accessories, cloths, appliances, gold jewelry and so on. These all are prohibited in Islam and Islam deny this all. Even our Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) gave only few things to his daughter including bowl and glass and one mating (small carpet). So there is basic two necessary things related to marriage in Islam and these are Nikah and Waleema (Party for relatives).
Now if we compare our traditional ways of marriages with Islamic way then it is totally against. We have a lot of traditions and culture with respect to our areas. These all traditions are wastage of money. Unfortunately, we adapt many traditions from Hindus.
Now let me explain you all traditions one by one:
First wrong tradition in our culture is “ENGAGEMENT”...There is no reality of engagement in Islam. Islam just believes on Muslim’s tongue. Once you have said you have to consist on it. Islam only likes “COMMITMNET” (VERBAL).
Then other things are now 1 week functions of marriage. It is said to be that it’s our tradition whereas Islam does not like this all.
First day is called “MAYON”...It’s a day when relatives and friends of bride and groom come together to their homes and apply some ubtan (turmeric) on his/her face and oil on his/her hairs and eat some sweets as well. After this they sing many songs do dance and so on. This function is totally a women function. So they enjoyed among themselves males are not allowed to come. Girls are usually likes to wear yellow cloths.
Next is “MEHENDI”... In this function relatives of bride and groom come together and apply mehnadi on his/her hand. Now-a-days this function is done combine means bride and groom sits together and relatives apply mehandi on their hands. This function is similar to mayon. Girls usually likes to wear yellow and green traditional dresses and boys like to wear shalwar qameez(tradional dress).
Next comes “BARAT”... It means when groom goes to bride’s house with his parents and relatives to take her with him forever.. Usually Nikah is done on same day. After Nikah few sweets and dates are distributed among all guests. Usually bride wore Red or maroon dress and gold jewelry on her wedding day. Its is also our tradition.
Then there are many more traditions related to wedding.
And then last comes is “WALEEMA” It’s a sophisticated invitations for all relatives and friends to come and join them on dinner and lunch. “WALEEMA” is necessary element of wedding in Islam. Purpose of waleema is gathering of relatives and friends to come and see new couple and give gifts to them and most important is to arrange dinner or lunch for all guests and specially poor.
These are enjoyable moments but are wastage of money and time too.
Here I would like to share a good thing which is done on marriages is “QURAN KHAWNI” It means all relatives and friends of bride and groom come together recite a lot of Quran and pray for their good and prosper life ahead.
Here I skip many things (tradition) because time will finish, space of blog will finish but our tradition will never finish so I share main points with you.
I will try to upload pictures related to all these functions if you people want.
Keep smiling and take care!
P`S: Sehrish meri Jani, you can write as much as you want.. I'm sure that our readers would love to know more details about this marriage thing in Pakistan...So, If you can, plz write also about Dower, arranged marriage, love marriage between pakistanis, love marriage between paki boys and foreigners girls, marriage between cousins, and everything related to Marriage in Pakistan...=)))
Mishal Zohaib
Postado por
Everyn Palhares
1 comentários
traditions. marriage
quinta-feira, 15 de abril de 2010
Sobre a natureza do homem paquistanes....
Oi pessoas...=)))
Como voces podem ver, nossa amiga e colaboradora do blog, a Sehrish, esta a todo vapor....Ela me mandou varios novos artigos que vou publicar aos poucos, para que cada um possa ser bem assimilado e se for o caso, discutido...
Gostaria de salientar, que esses artigos podem conter opinioes que talvez sejam um pouco controversas ao nosso modo de pensar e que talvez causem algum tipo de indignacao em algumas (feministas talvez...)...Ou nao! Mas de qualquer forma, entendam que eles sao escritos a partir do ponto de vista de uma garota paquistanesa, que nasceu e foi criada aqui e absolutamente nao conhece o modo de vida ocidental na pratica..E isso que ela esta falando, eh exatamente como acontece aqui...
Entao, argumentacoes nao soh sao muito bem vindas como esperadas... mas apenas gostaria de solicitar que em caso de discordancia em qualquer topico, que prevaleca o respeito e que mantenhamos uma discussao saudavel e proveitosa, sem nenhum tipo de ofensa ok?? Qualquer resposta mal criada e/ou ofensiva sera sumariamente deletada...
A intencao aqui eh unica e exclusivamente ajudar as 29488567790923094576 de mulheres que amam um paquistanes, a entenderem um pouco mais sobre a cultura, religiao e o que passa na cabeca desses seres que andam tirando o sono e o sossego de muita garota (e as vezes nem tao garotas assim hehe) do lado de lah da linha do Equador lol
Assalam-o-Alikum & hi again!
How you all readers??? I am fine by the grace of Allah.
Here I am with a new topic with different views and discussions. The main purpose of this article is to let you people know (especially girls who want to marry Paki boys) about nature, psychology, thinking and attitude of boys towards his wives either it will be their love marriage or arranged.
All males are almost had same characteristics. As I mentioned in my previous articles that Islam is a very single religion who gave a lot of respect to women. Let me tell you this all from different example. I will give you some tips to spend a happy married life.
All human beings are equal, but men are "superior" to women in all aspect, in power, in thinking, by body, by stamina and so on. So that men always like to be a boss whether they will soft or hard by nature.
They like and want to be rule over all. That is why it is said that if women want to build her home and long lasting relationship then she have to compromise with her husband.
Here in Pakistan you can see many example that how women build their homes, relationships by doing compromise. A very famous quote is frequently said here in Pakistan…. “Bend branch of any tree always give more fruits rather than a straight branch”...
Why it is said like this??? It is because, a bend branch is bearing burden of fruits, birds, bees are sit on it and hurt it, children through stones on it to have those fruits and so on. These all ways hurts the branch of tree. On the other hand which branch is fruitless but straight no one can see towards it and just use it when they need it. Now if we apply same example in our real life then you can see that always hurting hearts had a lot of respects in front of all. Because they have made many compromises to get a place in other’s heart.
One more famous quote is “If every one is happy with you it means that you have made many compromises in your life” ...So now question is that can compromise give a happy married life??? If anybody asks me then I say “YES”
Let me explain you some bad and good things of Paki boys:
First of all they all are very loving, caring and give a lot of respect to women. If they once decided to make anyone his wife, then they can do any thing for her. Because then they make their wives part of their life. They give them love, care, security and most important is respect. They do not like break ups they want to run their life smoothly without any quarrel. They likes that their wives stay at home take care of their kids and home and when they came back to home she welcomes him with a smile.
It is also said in Pakistan that “A smile of women and laughter of baby can remove men’s tiredness” How sweet it is…??? Isn’t it…!!!
In short men want a complete happy life from their wives. Paki men want sincerity, love, care, understanding and most important thing is compromise from women. It does not matter that marriage would be love or arrange, men needs are same.
Now I will move forward toward bad things about Paki men.
First of all if it is love marriage then they differentiate between Girl Friend and wife. It’s natural that when Girl Friend became wife their attitudes become changed now they are more possessive, little bit hard and become conservative too.
Second thing is whether he is not well educated or jobless or not handsome etc but he always likes to be superior. Usually Paki boys like their dominance in every field of life. 90% men do not compromising so that women should have to be compromising. Sometimes they do not understand but expect that understanding must show from other side (mean from wife). Sometimes they do not know how to keep balance between their wives and parents.
Now let me tell you some do have and don’ts for those girls who want to marry Paki boys.
Do’s and Don’ts:
1. Always try to understand what your husband wants from you and try your level best to do same thing whenever he wants.
2. Always behave like a compromising wife.
3. Give him some time to spend with his parents.
4. Always respect elders so that your this act may increase your respect in his heart.
5. Change your likeness and dislikeness in your husband’s likeness and dislikeness.
6. Do not impose your likeness and dislikeness every time on him but sometimes.
7. Love him less but understand him more.
8. Use “WE” behavior instead of “I”.
9. Try to learning good dishes which your husband likes.
10 When your husband is flare up or angry neither talk to him for such a long time nor try to impose your decision immediately. Just wait for him to be calm then tell him your thinking that what you want he must be agree with you at that timeJ
11 Do not weep every time on very minor issues.
12 Give respect and take respect
13 Do not make so much expectation because expectation always hurt.
14 Do not perform any act for reward just does it for your satisfaction.
In short the moral of this long story is the key of happy married life is to have “Compromise” and “Trust”.
Trust is very very important element to keep your relation long lasting. I will give you a key now game is in your hand. Other these tips you can spend happy life by using your beauty and other tricks which you better understand to handle your husband. lolz….
Allah Hafiz & Good Bye!
segunda-feira, 12 de abril de 2010
Sobre o Paquistao, Mulheres e Islam...By Sehrish
Olha, vou parar de prometer o que nao posso cumprir..afffffffff...(prometi atualizar sempre o blog, novidades e bla bla bla...)
Nao por que eu nao queira, mas vou falar um negocio pra vcs viu..Esse combo dos infernos internet que nao funciona NUNCA +falta de luz (literalmente igual a tele-sena, de hora em hora hahaha) estah me deixando louca...
Alem disso, nesse meio tempo eu TRABALHEI O.o (depois conto a experiencia), viajei (de novo hihihi) e tals...
Enfim, depois de 294848577692878767657673 bilhoes de anos-luz, consegui finalmente postar o artigo que nossa amiga paquistanesa super fofa Sehrish escreveu pra vcs com muito carinho ha ages a go e soh agora consegui publicar aff
..Leiam com atencao porque eh muito legal mesmo...=)))
By Sehrish
Hi Again! I’m fine. How are you alllll??? Let me tell you little about my country and religion then I will move forward for many intresting topics.
Pakistan officially the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, is a country in South Asia. It was come on world’s map on August 14, 1947 and we became independent country. The great founder of Pakistan was Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Our president is Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister is Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani. There are four provinces in Pakistan, Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan and Sarhad (NWFP). Here people enjoyed four complete seasons. Basically we have agriculture oriented economy and our basic crops are wheat, rice, maize, cotton, corn etc. We export fruits, vegetables, cloths, sports things, carpets and antiques. Our national language is Urdu. But many other languages are used as well like Punjabi and sariki in Punjab, sindhi in sindh, pushto and Hindko in NWFP and balochi in Balochistan. As it is Muslim country so 90% population is Muslim and other includes Hindus, Christians and so on.
As an Islamic country, you have seen islamic impact on almost every thing. We offer 5 times prayers in a day and pray from Allah. Here are many mosques almost in every street. Some famous mosques are Faisal Masjid in Islamabad, Ilyasi Masjid in Abbottabad and Badshahi Masjid in Lahore. Here are many historical places too like Harappa Museum in Harappa (Punjab), Taxila Museum in Taxila (Punjab), Shahi Qila Lahore (Punjab), Rohtas Fort and Biggest salt mine at Kalar Kahar. These are some most beautiful places of Pakistan. Some Northern areas are also very beautiful like Murree, Kaghan, Naran, Sogran, Abbottabad, Kelash, Kalam and many more.
People of Pakistan are very honest, lovely and hostile. Here is male dominating environment but as time goes up old trends are going to change gradually. Now more women are working equally with men in almost every field of life. Literacy rate is also increasing day by day. People want to grow and want to get knowledge and want to get competitive edge in this globalized environment. A very good thing which Islam teaches us is “respect of women”. No other religion gives so much level of respect to women as Islam gave. Islam imposes duty on men to take care of his mothers, daughters and wives too. Islam dislikes a person who did not take care of their women. A second good thing which Islam teaches us is marriage of man and women in proper way. Here I used a word ‘proper way’ it means the way which Islam teaches us. First of all willingness of both boy and girl for that marriage then nikkah with eye witnesses from both sides and then ‘Haq Mehar’ (husband give money to his wife before building any kind of physical relationship) and then waleema. Waleema means a party of wedding in which all friends and relatives come and give wishes to them and took meal. But the real purpose of Waleema in Islam is to give food to poor’s because they will pray for newly married couple from core of their heart and they do not have any greed from them. Haq Mrhar is very necessary element of wedding in Islam; it is right or wife and liability on husband. Husband is also liable to give “NAN NAFQA” means monthly expense for women other then household expenses. And it is duty of wife to take care of his husband, his home and his children too. But in present era both husband and wife prefer to do job and put their children in some nursery. A very famous quotation is “Husband and Wife are two wheels of cars” Both have to work together for getting some destination.
As I told you before that Pakistan is male dominating society. Although women are getting success in every field of life but they are not fully independent. Even they have to take any decision by getting permission from their father, brother, mother or husband. Islam asked women to keep their self hidden from unknown males or if they have to go outside in any case or emergency then she has to cover herself properly. The main duty which Islam defines for women is to take care for their husband’s home and stay at home its male responsibility to earn for all family. But unfortunately, modern era denies this all and moving inverse of it.
In backward areas of Pakistan there is no respect of women there are totally male environment, women neither are nor permitted to go schools, to choose her life partner or even to choose her dress or food. They people said their self true Muslims but in fact they are not because Islam is a religion of ease not tease. Actually they people are illiterate that is why they did this all. These people thought that to get literate is wastage of time. Anyhow, we have all kind of people in any place a good one and bad one too. But as I study a culture of different countries Pakistan is best of all. No religion can give so much respect and rights to women.
Women can get fame, money, glamour and fun every where but not respect. This world is illusion and our lives are too. No one is sincere here you will fide sin every where. That is why Islam asked women to hide her self from unknown males and stay at home.
Islam does not deny from study or fashion but asked a woman to do fashion just for their husband not for unknown males. Islam denies exposing their self. I really respect women from core of my heart and I have mixed views about this all. I think I am not 100% Muslim but I can not deny facts of Islam. I love my country and religion. Allah gives us prosperity, happiness and every right thing which we want.
I will wait for your comments and suggestions for improvement. Please ask questions frequently. Pakistan Zinda Baad!
Nao por que eu nao queira, mas vou falar um negocio pra vcs viu..Esse combo dos infernos internet que nao funciona NUNCA +falta de luz (literalmente igual a tele-sena, de hora em hora hahaha) estah me deixando louca...
Alem disso, nesse meio tempo eu TRABALHEI O.o (depois conto a experiencia), viajei (de novo hihihi) e tals...
Enfim, depois de 294848577692878767657673 bilhoes de anos-luz, consegui finalmente postar o artigo que nossa amiga paquistanesa super fofa Sehrish escreveu pra vcs com muito carinho ha ages a go e soh agora consegui publicar aff
..Leiam com atencao porque eh muito legal mesmo...=)))
By Sehrish
Hi Again! I’m fine. How are you alllll??? Let me tell you little about my country and religion then I will move forward for many intresting topics.
Pakistan officially the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, is a country in South Asia. It was come on world’s map on August 14, 1947 and we became independent country. The great founder of Pakistan was Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Our president is Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister is Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani. There are four provinces in Pakistan, Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan and Sarhad (NWFP). Here people enjoyed four complete seasons. Basically we have agriculture oriented economy and our basic crops are wheat, rice, maize, cotton, corn etc. We export fruits, vegetables, cloths, sports things, carpets and antiques. Our national language is Urdu. But many other languages are used as well like Punjabi and sariki in Punjab, sindhi in sindh, pushto and Hindko in NWFP and balochi in Balochistan. As it is Muslim country so 90% population is Muslim and other includes Hindus, Christians and so on.
As an Islamic country, you have seen islamic impact on almost every thing. We offer 5 times prayers in a day and pray from Allah. Here are many mosques almost in every street. Some famous mosques are Faisal Masjid in Islamabad, Ilyasi Masjid in Abbottabad and Badshahi Masjid in Lahore. Here are many historical places too like Harappa Museum in Harappa (Punjab), Taxila Museum in Taxila (Punjab), Shahi Qila Lahore (Punjab), Rohtas Fort and Biggest salt mine at Kalar Kahar. These are some most beautiful places of Pakistan. Some Northern areas are also very beautiful like Murree, Kaghan, Naran, Sogran, Abbottabad, Kelash, Kalam and many more.
People of Pakistan are very honest, lovely and hostile. Here is male dominating environment but as time goes up old trends are going to change gradually. Now more women are working equally with men in almost every field of life. Literacy rate is also increasing day by day. People want to grow and want to get knowledge and want to get competitive edge in this globalized environment. A very good thing which Islam teaches us is “respect of women”. No other religion gives so much level of respect to women as Islam gave. Islam imposes duty on men to take care of his mothers, daughters and wives too. Islam dislikes a person who did not take care of their women. A second good thing which Islam teaches us is marriage of man and women in proper way. Here I used a word ‘proper way’ it means the way which Islam teaches us. First of all willingness of both boy and girl for that marriage then nikkah with eye witnesses from both sides and then ‘Haq Mehar’ (husband give money to his wife before building any kind of physical relationship) and then waleema. Waleema means a party of wedding in which all friends and relatives come and give wishes to them and took meal. But the real purpose of Waleema in Islam is to give food to poor’s because they will pray for newly married couple from core of their heart and they do not have any greed from them. Haq Mrhar is very necessary element of wedding in Islam; it is right or wife and liability on husband. Husband is also liable to give “NAN NAFQA” means monthly expense for women other then household expenses. And it is duty of wife to take care of his husband, his home and his children too. But in present era both husband and wife prefer to do job and put their children in some nursery. A very famous quotation is “Husband and Wife are two wheels of cars” Both have to work together for getting some destination.
As I told you before that Pakistan is male dominating society. Although women are getting success in every field of life but they are not fully independent. Even they have to take any decision by getting permission from their father, brother, mother or husband. Islam asked women to keep their self hidden from unknown males or if they have to go outside in any case or emergency then she has to cover herself properly. The main duty which Islam defines for women is to take care for their husband’s home and stay at home its male responsibility to earn for all family. But unfortunately, modern era denies this all and moving inverse of it.
In backward areas of Pakistan there is no respect of women there are totally male environment, women neither are nor permitted to go schools, to choose her life partner or even to choose her dress or food. They people said their self true Muslims but in fact they are not because Islam is a religion of ease not tease. Actually they people are illiterate that is why they did this all. These people thought that to get literate is wastage of time. Anyhow, we have all kind of people in any place a good one and bad one too. But as I study a culture of different countries Pakistan is best of all. No religion can give so much respect and rights to women.
Women can get fame, money, glamour and fun every where but not respect. This world is illusion and our lives are too. No one is sincere here you will fide sin every where. That is why Islam asked women to hide her self from unknown males and stay at home.
Islam does not deny from study or fashion but asked a woman to do fashion just for their husband not for unknown males. Islam denies exposing their self. I really respect women from core of my heart and I have mixed views about this all. I think I am not 100% Muslim but I can not deny facts of Islam. I love my country and religion. Allah gives us prosperity, happiness and every right thing which we want.
I will wait for your comments and suggestions for improvement. Please ask questions frequently. Pakistan Zinda Baad!
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